The Importance of Updating Your Website: Stop Procrastinating and Start Creating Opportunities

Do you regularly update your website? If so, how often? Every 6 months? Every 2 years? Never…?
Your website is an important tool. It facilitates sales and bookings, making it essentially the ‘cash register’ of your business. It’s crucial to have a well-tuned website for the success of your business.
If you’re reading this and thinking, “Oh, I haven’t updated my website in some time.” then you’re not alone. Lots of businesses neglect, forget or procrastinate to update their website. 
In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common reasons businesses may avoid updating their website and some practical solutions to overcome them:
1) They don’t know what to say.
One of the main reasons businesses hesitate to update their websites is the uncertainty about what content to include. They stare at the screen until they accept defeat and log out of the editor.
Creating compelling website content doesn't have to be a daunting task. Start by identifying the problem your business solves and how your products or services offer a solution. Understanding your target audience and their needs will help you get started also, then craft your messaging around your audience, their problem and your solution. 
Keep it simple, clear, and engaging. 
2) They don’t have the technical skills.
Some businesses don’t even attempt to update their website because they become overwhelmed when managing the technical aspects. Some websites do require coding skills or more advanced technical knowledge, but this is 2023 and the digital world is becoming more accessible for all. 
Consider moving to a no-code platform (like Squarespace- which this blog is on). No-code platforms are typically easier to learn, making updates easy for business owners and their employees. Plus, they are becoming more powerful in their editing abilities, which is a big tick in the aesthetics box.
Taking the time to learn your platform has some big advantages. You may be able to better utilise inbuilt marketing tools, understand the analytics, and save yourself $$$ when updating your website.
3) They don’t have access to their website
One frustrating situation that some businesses face is lacking proper ownership and control over their websites. It's crucial to carefully review the terms and agreements when working with service providers or designers. Ensure that you have full administrative access and ownership rights to your website. 
Some providers may retain editing power, essentially "renting" your site to you. This arrangement can hinder your ability to make changes independently or switch service providers without complications. It’s your website; you should own it. If you’re in the boat of not owning your website (and you want to take back ownership), look at the finer details in your contract and determine your case. Discuss transferring ownership to yourself entirely or options to buy out the ownership.
Some businesses are happy to pay someone else to completely maintain their website- this isn’t an excuse to be distant from your website. If you’re paying for it, ask for updates every 6 months or so and provide fresh information and photos.
Are you one of these business owners?
Remember: Keeping your website up-to-date shouldn't be a barrier to success but rather a tool to enhance it.
Don’t miss out on the revenue opportunities that come with a great website. Recognise where you can be doing a better job to maintain your website, or get the help of a professional designer who values your business.
Here are some great follow-on articles from our friends at Leader Web:
10 ideas to spring clean your website
Why Squarespace is the best website platform for your small business

Yay… your business is going. But what do you outsource first?


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