How can you have a successful brand?

Great branding is essential to any successful business. 

Now this blog isn’t going to go into comparing all the big-shot brand names out there. We all know who they are. And it’s important to be honest- chances are we’re not going to out-compete or even come close to the level of brand recognition they have as a smaller business. But does that matter? No, because small businesses and non-profits can still have a hugely successful brand without being global or even national. 

What makes a brand successful to you? Well, let’s look at why we create brands, some key components of a brand and the way we use our brands.

Why we create brands.

The word brand practically is interchangeable with identity. We create a brand for our business so we have an identity to trade under. Customers need you to form a solid identity for their business so they can categorise in their minds who you are to them. The more your business is transparent in who you are i.e. showing your personality, the easier it will be to form attachments and connect with you. The easier it is to connect, the more trust customers can build, the more sales you’ll see long term and the more success you can measure.

Key components and the way we use our brands.

Now, into the nitty gritty stuff. You need to have the right assets to properly design your brand and use them in your marketing. This includes your logo, colours, fonts, style of design, tone and word choice for copy, brand patterns and brand elements. You also want to build into the designs the intended experience someone should have when they see your brand. For example, do you want your customers to feel like they’re psyched up enough to jump out of an aeroplane, or do you want them to feel so relaxed they’re practically on holiday in the Bahamas? That’s the design difference between an energy drink and tropical sparkling water. 

Once you have created assets to fit your business’s personality, is time to use the assets consistently. Successful brands are confident in who they are and they don’t suddenly have a personality change. Inconsistent branding creates confusion- confusion leads to drops in sales. It comes back to categorising in our minds where things fit.

So, in summary, don’t get caught up in trying to be the next big brand. Just be you! Sounds cliche, but it really is the key to a successful brand. Establish your personality, get your assets sorted, and be consistent in who you are.


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